Product Details
Shot Gnarly Darts - Steel Tip - 90% Tungsten - Shreddah - 23g. Cut into the tail is a unique double-ring grip; the silver rings peak above, forming ridges you can feel. The front of the barrel has a vicious grip of razor rings and square peaks, layered with V cutter milling, a grip that's consistent and relentless—finished with a round tapered nose cut with milling and rings, completing the nose-to-tail grip profile on this barrel.
Shot Gnarly Darts - Steel Tip - 90% Tungsten - Shreddah - 24g. Cut into the tail is a unique double-ring grip; the silver rings peak above, forming ridges you can feel. The front of the barrel has a vicious grip of razor rings and square peaks, layered with V cutter milling, a grip that's consistent and relentless—finished with a round tapered nose cut with milling and rings, completing the nose-to-tail grip profile on this barrel.
Shot Gnarly Darts - Steel Tip - 90% Tungsten - Shreddah - 26g. Cut into the tail is a unique double-ring grip; the silver rings peak above, forming ridges you can feel. The front of the barrel has a vicious grip of razor rings and square peaks, layered with V cutter milling, a grip that's consistent and relentless—finished with a round tapered nose cut with milling and rings, completing the nose-to-tail grip profile on this barrel.
Shot Gnarly Darts - Steel Tip - 90% Tungsten - Shreddah - 28g. Cut into the tail is a unique double-ring grip; the silver rings peak above, forming ridges you can feel. The front of the barrel has a vicious grip of razor rings and square peaks, layered with V cutter milling, a grip that's consistent and relentless—finished with a round tapered nose cut with milling and rings, completing the nose-to-tail grip profile on this barrel.
Shot Gnarly Darts - Steel Tip - 90% Tungsten - Shreddah - 30g. Cut into the tail is a unique double-ring grip; the silver rings peak above, forming ridges you can feel. The front of the barrel has a vicious grip of razor rings and square peaks, layered with V cutter milling, a grip that's consistent and relentless—finished with a round tapered nose cut with milling and rings, completing the nose-to-tail grip profile on this barrel.